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Town Hall


Many municipalities and government operations must comply with EPA requirements for employee training in Stormwater, IDDE, and SPCC regulations. Our step-by-step training videos show municipal employees the proper ways to ensure these laws are followed and the environment is protected. Municipal Storm Sewer System operators (MS4s) are the frontline in the fight against stormwater pollution, and it is vital they set the example for others with proper pollution prevention techniques.

Oil spill cleanup


SPCC for Municipalities

This Spill Prevention Control & Countermeasures training video program details the SPCC regulation for municipal employees and contractors. Subjects covered in the training program are the SPCC regulations, SPCC plan, spill clean-up, operations, maintenance, oil transfers, used oil, and discharge procedure protocols. (27 minutes)


Stormwater protection


Stormwater Pollution Prevention for MS4s "Rain Check"

Regulated municipalities and other municipal separate storm sewer system (MS4) operators must prevent pollutants from entering their storm drainage systems. One element of this requirement is preventing stormwater pollution by municipal facilities such as fleet maintenance shops, bus barns, sanitation facilities, parks and street sweeping operations. This program shows employees how to practice good housekeeping, spill response, materials management, vehicle fueling and washing and the other BMPs profiled in the “National Menu". (Program versions run:19 minutes to 31 minutes)


Illicit discharge


IDDE - Illicit Discharge Detection & Elimination

"A Grate Concern"

Municipal separate storm sewer system (MS4) operators are required to train employees and contractors on control measures for stormwater pollution prevention. One such control measure is illicit discharge detection and elimination (IDDE). This kit is designed to train government employees and contractors on IDDE. The video focuses on the hazards of illicit discharges and shows employees how to spot them. (14 minutes)


Team meeting


IDDE for "Public Outreach & Education"

One of the requirements for permitted municipal separate storm sewer systems (MS4s) is to reach out to the general public and inform them about stormwater pollution prevention. One area where many public outreach programs focus is on illicit discharge detection and elimination (IDDE). The public needs to know what an illicit discharge is, not to discharge any non-stormwater into the MS4, how to spot evidence of past illicit discharges and what to do if they spot such evidence. There are five videos of varying run-times (1 to 10 minutes)




Stormwater for Construction BMPs "Ground Control"

This employee training kit is designed to show employees how erosion, sediments and other potential surface water pollutants are controlled at construction sites. The program focuses on Best Management Practices (BMPs) that are widely used at most construction sites including: silt fence, stabilized entrances/exits, drop inlet protectors and others. The program illustrates how these BMPs work and how they can fail. (14:30 minutes)

Stormwater runoff


Stormwater for Municipalities "Storm Watch"

Regulated municipalities are required to train their employees on stormwater pollution prevention and BMPs. This training video helps regulated municipalities (Phase I and Phase II) train their employees as required under their Permit. The program focuses on BMPs that are important to many municipal operations such as good housekeeping, spill response, materials storage and handling, landscape maintenance and street maintenance. Employees working in fleet maintenance, garages, parks, recreation facilities, street maintenance and other departments can all benefit from this information. (20 mins)

Stormwater discharge


Stormwater Pollution Prevention "A Drop in the Bucket"

This employee training program shows employees at industrial and industrial-type government facilities the latest Stormwater Pollution Prevention techniques like good housekeeping, materials management, spill prevention, maintenance, and small spill clean-up. Based on the EPA's latest discharge permit for industrial operations, this video is for training at facilities covered under a General or Multi-Sector General permit for Stormwater discharges. Train your employees and contractors in accordance with the training requirements of these permits. The video describes Best Management Practices (BMPs) and Minimum Control Measures (MCMs) and shows how they prevent storm water pollution. (16 Minutes)

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