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For Evaluation Only.
Not for training.
"Storm Watch" Municipal Stormwater Pollution Prevention
Regulated municipalities are required to train their employees on stormwater pollution prevention and BMPs. This training video helps regulated municipalities (Phase I and Phase II) train their employees as required under their Permit. The program focuses on BMPs that are important to many municipal operations such as good housekeeping, spill response, materials storage and handling, landscape maintenance and street maintenance. Employees working in fleet maintenance, garages, parks, recreation facilities, street maintenance and other departments can all benefit from this information. (20 minutes)
1. Introduction
2. Vehicle & Equipment Washing
3. Vehicle & Equipment Maintenance
4. Good Housekeeping & Spill Prevention
5. Spill Reporting & Response
6. Street Maintenance
7. Outdoor Storage of Materials & Wastes
8. Landscaping & Lawn-care
9. Illicit Discharge Detection
10. Summary and Review