DOT HazMat
The US Department of Transportation (DOT), Pipeline and Hazardous Materials Safety Administration (PHMSA), has regulations that cover the transportation of hazardous materials. HazMat employers must train their HazMat employees on the safe transportation of the hazardous materials they handle.

DOT HazMat "General Awareness & Security Awareness"
DOT General Awareness is a 26 minute training video kit that covers the DOT Hazard Communication Standards of 49 CFR Subchapter C, in these sections the Hazard Classification System, HazMat Table (HMT), Packaging, Markings and Labels, Placards, Shipping Papers and more. The video covers shipping of RCRA hazardous waste as well as virgin DOT hazardous materials. DOT Security Awareness, the second video, (13 min) is a general overview of facility security practices and procedures.

DOT HazMat "General Awareness/Familiarization"
Since the adoption of the Global Harmonization Systems (GHS), the regulations governing the transport of hazardous materials have undergone numerous changes. DOT/Pipeline and Hazardous Materials Safety Administration (DOT/PHMSA) regulations (49 CFR 172.704) require that all 'hazmat employers' train their 'hazmat employees' on four different areas. DOT HazMat General Awareness/Familiarization provides up-to-date, concise training to help satisfy the General Awareness requirement. (26 minutes)
DOT HazMat "General Awareness" Preview
Click the ▶︎ on the video window to start video
For Preview Evaluation Only!
1. Introduction
2. The Identification of Hazardous Materials
3. Understanding the HMR Training Requirements
4. The Hazard Classification System
5. How to Use The Hazardous Materials Table
6. Packaging
7. Markings and Labels
8. Placards
9. Shipping Papers
10. Segregation of Materials
11. Requirements for Incident Reporting
12. Conclusion
DOT HazMat "Security Awareness" Preview
Click the ▶︎ on the video window to start video
For Preview Evaluation Only!
1. Overview
2. Introduction
3. Follow All Security Procedures-Area Access
4. Follow All Security Procedures-Document & Data Access
5. Stay Alert For Security Violations & Suspicious Activity
6. Report Any Violations Or Suspicions
7. Review