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1. Introduction
2. Universal Wastes - Defined
3. Handling Universal Wastes
4. Emergency Preparedness
5. Recycling Universal Wastes
6. Conclusion
PowerPoint custom slideshow
(sample slides)

Universal Waste in California
"Collecting, Processing, and Recycling"
In general, the Universal Waste regulations in California are more strict and more expansive than those of the USEPA. They are found in two places: the California Code of Regulations (the CCR) and the California Health and Safety Code (the HSC). This program addresses both the Federal and the California-specific regulations.​ Effective employee training is not only required by the regulations but can help take maximum advantage of the Universal Waste benefits. The video shows employees how to correctly collect, accumulate, containerize, handle and ship Universal Wastes, as well as, how to effectively respond to emergencies. The video also includes new electronic waste (e-waste) and aerosol can information.
The program contains 2 versions of the training video: Complete Version (20 minutes) and it is supplemented by a shorter and very concise Refresher Version (13 minutes). The program also includes employee quizzes, employee training documentation forms, trainer's guide and a PowerPoint custom template that includes state specific rules and regulations with live video embedded in the slideshow. See sample slides of the PowerPoint presentation below.
Available on DVD, USB Device, DVD-ROM, Download
Price: $595.00
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