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For Evaluation Only!

SPCC "Controlling Oil" for Smaller Oil Volume Facilities (SOV)

Federal regulations require that employees at facilities that have the capacity to store or handle in excess of 1,320 gallons of any oil or oil product (gasoline, heating oil, lubricants, residual fuels, vegetable and animal oils and other “oils”) be trained on effective spill prevention measures. This 16 minute video instructs employees on first response measures to take when a discharge is discovered. The video also addresses site security: measures to take to protect oil handling facilities against vandalism and terrorism. This 'SOV' version is specifically tailored for facilities that store modest amounts of oil in smaller containers. Also included is a PowerPoint customizable template.


1. Introduction

2. Oil Pollution Prevention Regulations and The SPCC Plan
3. Operation And Maintenance: Oil Storage Equipment
4. Operation And Maintenance: Oil Transfer and Handling

5. Equipment
6. Security
7. Discharge Procedure Protocols  & Release Notification
8. Conclusion

Questions? Please call 1-888-925-6554 or email us.

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